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2017-07-18 15:23:00 来源:本站 浏览:5412


The terminal is one of the basic components of electrical connection and plays an important role in the electrical connection.
The terminals are used to facilitate the connection of wires. It is actually a piece of metal enclosed in insulating plastic, with holes at both ends to insert wires,
There are screws used for fastening or loosening, such as two wires, sometimes requiring connections, and sometimes they need to be disconnected so that they can be joined together with terminals,
And they can be disconnected at any time without having to solder them or wrap them together. It's very convenient and quick. And suitable for a large number of wire interconnections in the power industry
There are special terminals, terminal boxes, all of which are terminals, single layer, double decker, current, voltage, ordinary, broken, and so on. Certain
The pressing area is to ensure reliable contact and to ensure adequate current.
The company is specialized in producing terminals, UK terminals, H terminals, IN terminals, JXB terminal enterprises, product range is complete. Has a history of more than 20 years, manufacturing has been committed to the terminal products, with advanced management mode, improve the technology and fine mould, continuous research and development and technological innovation, has laid a solid foundation for the quality of products. Welcome new and old customers call order terminal products!

关键词: 接线端子
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